Quid Loans

Prince Charming Wears A Uniform Quid Loans

I grew up surrounded by the uniforms, as larger part of my relations serves for the military I resolute that the Quid Loans Prince Charming must wear a uniform. Ineffectively I dated a few civilians - the ones you meet at the local bar and then you are difficult to avoid that place for a month or so. I dated men from the fancy hot spots, I also dated student from my college and even went for the online dating services in order to explore my option even more. My Dear Diary is full of unsuccessful stories of men who each broke my heart for being not the ones I was hoping for or the ones I could not get a rid of and they were constantly coming back to my little female world.

There is a big difference between dating a civilian and military man. Civilians in general have the privilege of choice and they often abuse it by doing something silly like receiving drunk every night with friends to the point that he won't remember his name the very next day. Civilians also seem to take their choice for granted. Not only freedom, but their women as well; all the men I have dated were surrounded by gorgeous females, the opportunities came and go for them because they could play their games and not in the girl's eyes, but in their own, they were the machos who can have any girl just because he had a better job after graduating from college and "chicks go for the cash", especially when he drives the top selling BMW.

Military men seem to be different; their freedom is very limited so when they lastly get some free time they will do their best to make it notable by either spending time with their families or going for an amazing trip. They also live under so much pressure; daily reports, and responsibilities that come while serving the country is sometimes overwhelming for a young man, which only builds his character and makes him stronger.

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